Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Simile Poem

Your hair looks like a sweater broken
at the bottom,
like a curtain blowing by the wind
tangling all together
like a lion's face after a meal,
like the shores of Jamaican islands,
like blends of light through the blind,
like a old mop that had washed so many times,
like pieces of puzzles lying on the table,
like a swarm of bees squishing into one beehive,
but can not put themselves in order,
like a whirl spinning in the wrong direction,
like a giant bowl of udons,
like withered sticks fallen on the sidewalk
like a Teddy bear that no one bothered to clean it up
like a row of sushi falling apart,
like Medusa's snakes hissing at
an innocent kid,
like a bed sheet not yet flatten in the morning,
like a thousand flies sucking on a rotten apple,
like paper plans floating through the air,
like someone scratching his hair during
the damned science test.